How WebRTC Jitsi Meet Experts Help Build a Video Conferencing App?

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Building a video conferencing app is more than just adding a video call button. It requires in-depth knowledge about real-time communication technology, integration and customization of the platform, and the capability of delivering a smooth video conferencing experience.

This is where WebRTC and Jitsi Meet come in. These real-time communication technologies are the pillars for high-quality video, audio, and data transfer over the web.

This blog will explore;

What is WebRTC?

WebRTC is an open-source platform that provides APIs and protocols, enabling WebRTC developers to build real-time communication solutions. These solutions allow users to connect over video, audio, and share arbitrary data on the web without any third-party software or plugins.

There are many real-time communication frameworks that are built on WebRTC technology. Some of the popular frameworks include Jitsi Meet, Kurento, Twilio, and OpenVido. We will discuss Jitsi Meet in detail later in this blog.

Features of WebRTC

WebRTC offers advanced features that enable real-time communication, enabling developers and businesses to build solutions for seamless collaboration and connectivity. These features include;

Peer-to-peer connection (P2P) – WebRTC technology is based on decentralized architecture, enabling users to connect directly and share data without any intermediary. This reduces the latency, enhances privacy, and improves reliability.

GetUserMedia API – This API allows real-time communication platforms to access media devices like cameras and microphones for real-time communication.
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Data Channels – This allows peer-to-peer exchange of arbitrary data, like messages and files, directly between the users in real-time.

DTLS and SRTP – WebRTC uses encryption technology to ensure privacy and data security, ensuring platform reliability, using DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security) and SRTP (Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol)

Cross-platform compatibility – Various web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari support WebRTC technology, enabling users to connect in real-time on the web.

Browser arbitration – The arbitration tool allows automatically adjusting the quality of audio/video calls based on the network connectivity.

What is Jitsi Meet?

Jitsi Meet is an open-source video-conferencing framework based on WebRTC technology, providing advanced features and functionalities to establish real-time connectivity for video-conferencing. The Jitsi Meet uses Videobridge to establish a scalable and high-quality video conferencing platform.

Features of Jitsi Meet

Jisti Meet provides various tools and features that can be integrated to build an advanced, feature-rich video-conferencing platform. These tools include;

Jitsi Videobridge – It handles video routing, sending data via a decentralized server. This helps reduce latency and makes the video-conferencing solution scalable.

Jibri – It launches a Chrome Instance to record audio/video conference calls.
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Jicofo – Jitsi COnference FOcus manages media session between users and videobridge.

Jigasi – Jitsi GAteway to SIP allows telephone dial-in and dial-out for Jitsi Meet video-conferencing.

Ice4j – It is an Interactive Connectivity Establishment that establishes NAT transversal utilities for offer/answer-based protocols, like SIP and XMPP.

Jitsi desktop – It is one of the most advanced and complete open-source communicators for audio and video calls, instant messaging, and presence that supports OSMI networks.

Libjitsi – It is a Java medi library that captures, playbacks, streams, encodes/decodes and encrypts audio and video flow.

How is WebRTC related to Jitsi Meet?

Both WebRTC and Jisti Meet fulfill a common purpose that is providing real-time communication. However, both offer different features, as mentioned above. Here is how they both are related:

WebRTC: core real-time communication technology

WebRTC provides a fundamental framework for real-time audio, video, and data communication directly within web browsers and mobile applications. It enables P2P connectivity without any external software or plugins. It can handle complex network connections, media transmission, and codecs. This enables WebRTC developers to build feature-rich communication apps.

Jitsi: WebRTC-based framework

Jisti is a WebRTC-based video conferencing solution that provides a collection of tools for real-time video and voice communication. It uses WebRTC as its core technology to provide video and audio streamlining between the video call users. It includes features like signaling, session management, and other additional features like recording and screen-sharing.

Jitsi with advanced WebRTC functionalities

WebRTC provides low-level APIs for media transmission, whereas Jitsi adds advanced features that make it easier for developers to build full-fledged video conferencing solutions. These functionalities include multi-party conferencing, server-side video mixing, authentication, and server integrations. Jitsi supports various backend components, like Jitsi Videobridge (Selective Forwarding Unit, or SFU) for efficient video-stream management to enable scalable multi-party communication.

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Who are WebRTC Jitsi Meet experts?

WebRTC Jitsi Meet experts are seasoned professionals who have extensive knowledge and skills to build advanced, feature-rich real-time communication solutions. Despite ready-made frameworks available on the internet, it is challenging to build such solutions. This is where WebRTC Jitsi Meets experts come in. These experts are Jitsi mobile app developers that can help you build customized real-time communication mobile and web apps. They help you brand your platform, build advanced features, and integrate third-party integrations to enhance the functionalities of your real-time communication solutions.

How can WebRTC Jitsi Meet experts help you build a video conferencing app?

The WebRTC Jisti Meet experts are proficient Jitsi video call app developers who deeply understand both WebRTC and Jitsi frameworks and their components. They work dedicatedly to provide video-conferencing app solutions that perfectly align with your business. Ways in which WebRTC Jitsi experts can help you build a video conferencing app:

Customized solutions

The Jisti Meet experts can help you build custom apps and solutions that include features and functionalities that serve your unique business needs. They build white-labeled video-conferencing solutions, branding your business. This helps your users to connect to your brand identity and improve loyalty.

Technical experts

They are technical Jitsi experts who understand its complex architecture. They have extensive knowledge about the components of Jitsi and are proficient in configuring and customizing the Jisti suite, like Jitsi Meet, Jitsi Videobridge, and Jicofo. Expert Jisti developers set up Jitsi Videobridge clusters for scalable deployment for large audiences and multiple Jitsi concurrent video-conferencing sessions.

Security best practices

Jitsi experts understand the importance of privacy and data security and how vulnerable video and audio or any data transfer process are to theft or eavesdropping. The implement strong encryption, secure authentication and access control technologies to ensure avoid data theft and security breaches.

Scalable platform

They can design a scalable platform on the Jitsi server. Jitsi experts implement scripts that enable automatic upscaling and downscaling based on the number of users and adjust the audio and video quality based on network connectivity.


The WebRTC experts can help you integrate your existing platforms, like ERP, CRM and LMS systems, with video-conferencing solutions. These integrations can help you build a unified workflow and promote seamless collaboration.

Support and maintenance

The jitsi experts are efficient in debugging, regularly updating and maintaining the system’s performance. They ensure that your video conferencing app is up-to-date and operates at its peak.

Where can you find WebRTC Jitsi Meet experts?

A custom Jitsi Meet video conferencing app can revolutionize the way you connect, offering high-quality connectivity between the users. However, you can’t build such applications on open-source Jitsi Meet without expert help.

Our Jisti mobile app developers and Jitsi video call app developers can help you build a customized video conferencing solution that aligns with your brand and business requirements. We provide end-to-end services to create real-time video conferencing development services solutions to cater to your business needs.