Use a Framework Like Parse to Power Authentication Management

Parse platform is a complete platform for mobile app development that completely focus on creating unique apps on all major platforms. Lets us have look at Parse framework being in use with iOS to power account management.

  1. The Parse platform provides a complete back-end solution for your mobile application. It is totally eliminate the need for writing server code or maintaining servers.
  2. Parse features is a very good service and idea that allows you to think only to the application and leave out complicated stuff like networking.
  3. At the same time, it also forces you to stay tied up with it. Let us understand this with an example, what could it happen if all the provided services become limited (not more 1.000.000 API requests per month) or say, get stopped (I hope not)?
  4. Yes, networking is complicated but also considered to be a challenging task. So, if you want to be a good developer, you need to work by your own and create your own service.
  5. You can find very good external libraries (like AFNetworking) that can be used to configure the communication in your application.

In parse,there will be lot of limitations of calling API’s and functions for the time intervals . Like the Parse the other Frameworks like XMPP also will have the same limit issues